If you are seeking to replace lost teeth, but you do not want conventional dental implants, mini implants may be an ideal option for you. Mini implants may also be suitable if you are not the right candidate for traditional dental implants. Most people opt for mini dental implants to avoid invasive surgery that is often conducted in the case of regular dental implants. You should go for mini implants if you do not have adequate bone mass in your jaw to hold the regular implants. If you are interested in getting mini implants, our experts at the Northridge Dental Implant Center can assist. Our dentist will evaluate you to determine if you are the right candidate for mini implants.

A General View of Dental Implants

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, a dentist may use a bridge, dental implants, or dentures to replace your missing teeth. Unlike dentures and bridges, which sit on the gum's surface, a dentist inserts dental implants into the jawbone, making them steady and unmovable.

When fitting dental implants, the dentist starts by conducting a surgical, dental procedure that entails placing an abutment or a titanium post into the bone of your jaw. Over three months to six months, the bone fuses around the titanium post. After the fusion of the abutment into the bone, the dentist then uncovers the implant and attaches a small post into the implant. This post, together with the abutment, serves as an anchor upon which the dentist attaches the artificial teeth.

Dental implants are made from titanium, and this makes them ideal for the replacement of lost teeth. Titanium is a strong but lightweight metal that is compatible with the human body. Therefore, titanium implants will not prompt a reaction from the immune system of your body. A titanium implant helps to stimulate bone growth. After fitting the titanium implant, the jaw bone grows back around the implant and helps to hold the implant in the jaw.

Titanium is valuable and unique because it is the only metal that can be integrated into the body. The titanium implants resemble the natural tooth root. The titanium implant offers the same level of stability as a jawbone would offer to your natural tooth. The titanium implant also provides stimulation to the jawbone creating a symbiotic relationship.

Most people often prefer dental implants to dentures because, unlike dentures, implants cannot shift or slip. Implants also offer a permanent solution to missing teeth. However, not every person is an ideal candidate for dental implants. To be a good candidate for regular implants, you must have sufficient and healthy bone in your jaw. All is not lost if you do not qualify for the regular dental implants. It is advisable to contact a dentist who can determine whether you qualify for the less-invasive mini implants.

Dental implants help to restore your smile and your self-esteem. You will no longer shy away from social gatherings for the fear that people might notice the missing teeth. You will have the freedom to eat your favorite foods again while maintaining the structural integrity of your jaw. Compared to the conventional denture, implants give your jaw more bite power. Implants also provide support to the surrounding natural teeth. With the right care, dental implants may last for many years.

Importance of Replacing Lost Teeth

It does not matter whether you lost your teeth due to an injury or due to cavities. Missing teeth may pose several problems. For instance, you may have difficulties chewing or biting food when you have missing teeth. If you fail to replace missing teeth, you may experience jawbone loss. This would make your face appear shrunken, making you look older than your age.

With missing teeth, you may have issues talking and expressing yourself. Other people may have a problem understanding what you are saying.

If you have gaps in your mouth after losing a tooth or several teeth, it may lead to shifting of the other teeth. This could lead to biting issues.

Therefore, dental implants, both regular and mini implants, offer many benefits because they give you back the missing teeth. With implants, you can improve your smile by filling the gaps in your teeth.

Understanding Mini Implants

Mini dental implants refer to a type of dental implant commonly used in the lower jaw to help support and stabilize dentures. Just like their name suggests, mini implants are smaller than conventional dental implants. Dentists use conventional dental implants for implant-supported restorations. The diameter of mini implants usually ranges between 1.8 millimeters and 3.3 millimeters.

There is also a key difference between mini implants and regular dental implants in their design. The design of the regular dental implants allows the screwing of replacement teeth on them. Unlike the conventional implants, mini implants have a ball exposed on the ends. The dentist secures dentures to place on these balls and secures the dentures with O-rings. The design of the mini implants helps to secure dentures in place and allows you to remove the dentures for regular cleaning.

Other than being smaller in form, mini implants have the same structure as the regular implants. The mini implants mainly have two parts; a titanium post with a ball on end and a socket with a rubber O-ring. The rubber O-ring helps to attach the tooth to the post.

Mini implants eliminate or drastically reduce all the obstacles that come with conventional implants, including the cost and the interruption of a person's normal activities. Many patients can benefit from mini implants, including the patients previously told that they cannot get implants because of the numerous complications of conventional implant surgery.

Mini implants will be ready for use right after the procedure, and you can go on with your life as if you had your natural teeth. With the traditional implant, you have to wait several months until the bone grows tight around the implant and fuses with the implant.

Placement of Mini Implants

The process of placing mini implants is almost similar to the process of placing regular dental implants. However, because mini implants are smaller, the process of placing them is less invasive than the process of placing the regular implants.

When placing the mini implants, the dentist makes small incisions on your gums and drills small holes into the jawbone. The dentist then places the posts into the jaw and sutures your gums closed around the posts.

You may experience a little discomfort a few days after the procedure. During the recovery period, it is advisable to avoid chewing on hard and sticky foods. However, after a full recovery, you are free to resume your normal diet.

Mini implants help to secure dentures and stabilize them. However, you will still require removing the dentures and cleaning them regularly. Whenever you are placing the dentures, you will have to hold the tooth on each side and gently sit the dentures over the balls of the mini implant posts. You will have to use some pressure to fit the denture into place.

When removing the dentures, you will have to place your thumbs under each side of the denture and then push the dentures upwards gently. Always ensure that you apply equal pressure on each side of the tooth whenever you are placing or removing the dentures.

Benefits of Mini Implants

Determining the right dental procedure for you can be confusing. If you have lost one tooth or several teeth, you may not understand the various options. If you are considering implants, it is advisable to consult a reputable dentist with extensive experience in implant surgery. The dentist can evaluate you and recommend regular implants or mini implants.

One of the leading benefits of mini implants is that they do not require complex flap surgery to place. Because mini implants are small, the dentist can easily place them on the jawbone without the need for complex flap surgery.

The process of placing mini implants is less invasive than the process of fitting the regular dental implants. Due to the less-invasive nature of the procedure, you will require a shorter healing time after obtaining mini dental implants. Unlike dentures, mini implants do not require surgery, so the dentist can place the prosthetic tooth a few hours after fitting the implants. The healing period shortens from months to days.

When seeking conventional dental implants, you may require a bone graft. However, when seeking mini implants, you do not require a costly bone graft. You will also experience less discomfort when the dentist places the mini implants. Therefore, you may only need over-the-counter pain medication or no medication at all after the implant procedure.

The process of getting mini implants is convenient. The dentist can complete the procedure within one visit. After the implant procedure, you may eat food on the same day without experiencing discomfort. Mini implants will not feel awkward or slip like dentures. In most cases, dentists use mini implants to improve and realign dentures.

The dentist fixes the mini implants on the jawbone like a tooth root. Therefore, the implants help to prevent facial collapse, which mainly results from bone loss.

Since the process of fitting mini implants is less invasive, you are not likely to experience complications after the procedure. Complications and mini dental implant failures are rare. You are not likely to experience any complications after the implant procedure, especially if an experienced dentist places the mini implants.

Compared to other cosmetic dental procedures, the cost of mini implants is affordable. The valuable benefits of dental implants outweigh the costs of placing the implants.

Despite the numerous benefits of mini implants, the implants also come with some limitations. For instance, mini implants may not be ideal if you have suffered too much bone loss. Implants require bones to support them. You may not benefit from the mini implants if you have an inadequate vertical bone.

Mini dental implants may not be ideal for you if you grind your teeth regularly. Teeth grinding leads to premature wearing of mini implants.

Candidates for Mini Implants

Mini dental implants will only be suitable in specific cases. You cannot necessarily go for mini implants because you like the idea of having smaller implants than conventional implants. Your dentist may only recommend mini implants under certain conditions.

The dentist may recommend mini implants for people with small teeth. Mini implants are also ideal for front teeth replacements and replacement of premolars. If you require to replace teeth located in a narrow space, mini implants may come in handy.

Using the dental prosthesis as an implant instead of an adhesive makes it more secure. A secure implant offers more comfort and natural use of your tooth.

Safety and Durability of Mini Implants

When weighing between regular and mini implants, you will consider the safety and the durability of the implants. Whenever you are considering any dental procedure, safety should always be a big factor. Experts consider both the regular and the mini implants safe.

When considering the right implants for you, your situation will play a major role. Mini implants will be a safer option if your jawbone has deteriorated because of missing teeth. If your jawbone cannot offer adequate support to the conventional implants, a bone fracture may occur. The conventional implants may not fuse into the bone if the jawbone is worn-out.

A thin jawbone would still be able to support dental implants properly. However, traditional implants may create more problems for you in the end.

Regarding the durability of mini implants, the implants have not been around for a long time. Therefore, experts have not fully studied the long-term durability of mini implants extensively. However, although the mini implants may not last as long as the regular implants, they may serve you for a long period. With proper care, mini implants will hold up for many years without problems.

The lifespan of mini implants may vary depending on several factors. For instance, the durability of the mini implants will depend on the presence of bone disease, also known as osteoporosis. The durability of the implants will also depend on your behavior and oral hygiene.

Some of the factors that may compromise the life of dental implants include smoking, failure to exercise proper implant care, and alcohol and substance abuse.

However, it is essential to note that durability may vary from one person to the other. Mini implants may last longer in one person than the other.

The Comfort of Mini Implants

If you are planning to get mini implants, you may wonder whether the implants will feel awkward in your mouth. However, mini implants are comfortable and will look and feel like your natural teeth. Unlike dentures that may move around in the mouth, implants are stable. By fixing dentures on mini implants, the dentures will hold firm on the gums.

Mini implants preserve oral and gum health better than other types of replacement teeth if you are not comfortable wearing dentures for the fear your teeth may fall off while eating, mini implants can offer a reliable solution.

Some people continue to promote conventional, larger implants and overlook the mini implants. However, mini implants are just as reliable as traditional implants. However, mini implants require the same level of attention to detail and expertise as conventional dental implants.

While placing the mini implants, the dentist must be kin and consider the bite-pattern and dental alignment of the patient. Ideal prosthetic design and fitting are also essential to enhance the effectiveness of mini implants.

The Cost of Mini Implants

Cost is often a significant consideration when considering dental implants. For most people, the cost is the most significant deciding factor when considering different dental procedures. The cost of placing mini implants may vary depending on your circumstances. However, in general, the cost of mini implants might be half the price of regular implants.

The procedure for placing mini implants is less costly because it is less invasive and requires less drilling. Because mini implants are smaller than conventional implants, they need fewer raw materials to manufacture. You will require making fewer visits to the dental office after the placement of mini implants because the recovery period is shorter. A few visits to the dental office means that you will save a considerable amount of money.

The average price for a mini dental implant typically ranges between $500 and $1500. This is much less than the typical cost of a conventional implant, which may vary between $4,000 and $5,000. The screws required for mini implants are much cheaper than the larger screws, as are necessary for the conventional implants.

The mini implants may not require the dentist to do bone grafting even if you have a lower bone density. The absence of bone grafting means that you will be able to save on the money spent.

It is important to note that the fact that mini implants are more affordable does not imply that they have an inferior quality compared to regular dental implants.

Will Mini Implants Look Different from Regular Implants?

Once the dentist attaches the new tooth or crown to the implant, the mini implant will look similar to a regular implant. The critical difference between a mini implant and a regular implant is the size of the metal post, which the dentist implants under the surface of the gums. Typically, dental crowns are custom-made using the impression of your mouth.

Therefore, regardless of whether you use the regular implants or the mini implants, your new teeth will look natural and blend in well with the rest of the teeth. The appearance of the dental crowns will be the same irrespective of the size of the implant you use.

Both the regular and the mini implants come in handy in replacing missing teeth. Both implants may also serve as anchors for different dental prosthetics like dentures.

Caring for Mini Implants

Mini dental implants will require the same amount of care as your natural teeth. In the beginning, you should remove the denture daily and clean the area around the entire implant area and the O-ring using a cotton swab and a recommended toothpaste. You may then rinse your mouth using a recommended mouthwash.

It is advisable to floss the implants once per day and to brush at least twice per day using fluoride toothpaste. Soon after the placement of the mini implants, your gums may still feel sensitive from the procedure. It is advisable to ensure that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your teeth. Whenever you remove the dentures, ensure that you clean around the ball of each implant thoroughly.

Clean the area around the O-ring fixtures thoroughly. By keeping the fixtures clean, you will ensure proper seating and retention of the denture.

It is ideal to use interdental brushes, which slide in between your teeth. These brushes are ideal for cleaning the hard to reach areas around the mini dental implants.

As you get more used to the dental implants, you may want to clean the implant at least daily. However, it is important to clean the implant after every meal and before you go to bed at night. As you get used to taking care of dental implants, proper dental hygiene will become a norm for you.

To get the most out of mini dental implants, you may have to quit smoking. Smoking often weakens the structure of the jawbone. For this reason, smoking may significantly contribute to implant failure.

You should avoid chewing on hard and sticky foods immediately after getting the mini implants. Avoid chewing on items like candy and ice. Hard items may break the dental crowns and also strain the mini implants.

Even after the successful placement of mini dental implants, you should not abandon regular dental check-ups. For you to ensure that the mini implants are in good shape, it is advisable to visit the dentist every six months for a review. Regular check-ups not only ensure that the implant is in good condition but also ensures that the implant remains in good condition.

Find a Northridge Implant Dentist near Me

Have you lost a tooth or several teeth due to injuries or cavities? Irrespective of the cause of your tooth loss, you could greatly benefit from mini dental implants. The mini implants act as support for dentures to help hold the dentures in place. The process of placing mini implants is simple and non-invasive. For all mini-implants services in Northridge, contact the Northridge Dental Implant Center at 818-925-9181 and speak to one of our expert dentists.